德国索林根松鼠 北约公发多功能军刀钢衬带挂战术刀鞘 Field Knife FK 1000点击一下商品名称就会自动复制信息然后粘贴给客服

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Field Knife:The Field Knife Range is a series of high

value for money multi-tools. Assembled with proven Eick-horn components in Solingen, a further critical addition was

the cost structure. The FK’s use 3.6 mm

Eickhorn special

steel with high blade flexibility and a protective anti-reflec-tion coating (to prevent the startling of game/corrosion

protection). Proven GRP handles allow an ergonomic and

a fatigue-free usage of the knives. The robust sheath with

the wire cutting function rounds off the tool function. The

sheath can be separated quickly from the textile belt part

via a click-mechanism.


Gewicht/重量:257-270 g


Gesamtl"ange/全长:cm 30,2-31,2 cm

位于德国西北部的 Solingen,是世上著名制刀地区之一。 超过一百三十多年的制刀经验,德国Eickhorn-Solingen公司已成为专业军用刀、求生工具的专业厂商。