美国梅西 GUN 2.0升级版爆闪LED防身喷雾(黑橘)点击一下商品名称就会自动复制信息然后粘贴给客服

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  • 商品编号:21995
  • 商品品牌:Mace 梅西(美国)
  • 上架时间:2023-06-15
  • 更新时间:2024-09-27

PERSONAL PROTECTION – Accurate & effective, the Mace(R) Brand Pepper Gun 2.0 combines an advanced delivery system with a maximum strength formula to protect you from long-range threats. Its power stream pattern provides long-range protection up to 20 ft.

STRONG FORMULA – Personal safety devices like this OC pepper spray causes respiratory distress and coughing, impaired vision and an intense burning sensation to the skin. UV dye leaves a long-lasting residue to support investigation and identification.

INTEGRATED ACCESSORIES – Included with this Mace(R) self defense spray is an integrated dual mode LED strobe light that distracts threats and enhances aim. Plus, a Picatinny Rail allows for accessory attachments with this Mace(R) pepper spray gun.

SAFE AND EASY TO USE – This Mace(R) Brand pepper spray gun features an easy to load and pistol-grip design that maximizes point-and-shoot accuracy for your personal defense, while the slide-release switch prevents accidents or misfires.

MACE BRAND – "Mace" is Pepper Spray, but not all pepper spray is Mace(R) Brand. Made in the USA, we continue to innovate the industry with powerful formulas, fast-acting delivery systems, and new safety features that ensure the ultimate in protection and peace of mind.

总部位于美国新泽西州的梅西安全防卫国际公司( Mace Security International,MSI ),为全球著名的安全防卫设备研发公司,产品线从口哨、个人防身器乃至公共场所电子监视器材,都是其主要的推广项目。 MACE公司所出品的辣椒防身喷雾器,是全世界公认的第一品牌。其产品拥有以下几大特点: 1. MACE 喷雾器的填装物为可食性辣椒液,对人体只会产生暂时性的瘫痪,不会造成永久性伤害。 2. MACE 产品的喷头拥有专利安全保险盖,可定向喷射,不渗漏、不误触,在黑暗中亦能精准命中目标。一般市售口红型喷雾器不易抓定方向,而且久未使用经常会堵塞喷口,遇紧急状况常会发生故障。 3. MACE 喷雾器药剂会呈水注状射出,射程约在三~四米,可轻易击中攻击者。坊间贩售喷雾器乃呈雾状洒出,缺乏精准性,若是在室内或车内等通风不良之处容易有呛伤自己的危险。 4. MACE 辣椒液的特殊配方可在短时间内经由毛孔渗入皮肤,使攻击者感觉强烈巨疼,或暂时性失明长达40分钟以上。 5. MACE 喷雾器产品是目前最有效的个人防护装备,广为全球各地执法人员采用,其效果可在短时间内制服5~10名歹徒,其他警用装备如电击棒、警棍等,是不可能办到的。